18 October 2014

Stuff by Josephine Myles

Hey everyone,

The book:

When Mr. Glad Rags meets Mr. Riches, the result is flaming fun.

Tobias “Mas” Maslin doesn’t need much. A place of his own, weekends of clubbing, a rich boyfriend for love and support. Too bad his latest sugar daddy candidate turns out to be married with kids. Mas wants to be special, not someone’s dirty little secret.

When he loses his job and his flat on the same day, his worlds starts unraveling…until he stumbles across a vintage clothing shop. Now to convince the reclusive, eccentric owner he’s in dire need of a salesman.

Perry Cavendish-Fiennes set up Cabbages and Kinks solely to annoy his controlling father. Truth be told, he’d rather spend every spare moment on his true passion, art. When Mas comes flaming into his life talking nineteen to the dozen, he finds himself offering him a job and a place to live.

He should have listened to his instincts. The shop is already financially on the brink, and Mas’s flirting makes him feel things he’s never felt for a man. Yet Mas seems convinced they can make a go of it—in the shop, and together.

My Thoughts:

Perry and Mas sitting in a tree K I S S I N G, first comes love, then comes crazy followed by a statue in a clothing store. Okay so the rhyme didn’t work that well and anyone outside of the UK will probably think i’m crazy but it just felt appropriate for this book. Stuff is the second book in Josephine Myles Bristol collection and follows the character of Mas who appeared in Junk (another awesome book you should totally read). Myles books always draw me in; the characters are unique, always standing out from the crowd.

I particularly loved Perry who was perhaps as British as it was possible to get. In fact I feel like Perry was old-school British with his wardrobe, his quirkiness, his reserve whereas Mas was new British an over-the-top, crazy, in your face drama-queen.

On paper this is a couple that shouldn’t work, they should clash and end up hating each other. Mas is all action and little thought whereas Perry is all thought but little action. Of course this being a romance book instead of hatred and unhappiness the ending is delicious loved-up happiness. This is a book that offers a story of opposites attracting with a dash of English quirkiness. Part of the quirkiness is derived from the characters, both primary and secondary, but also the setting of a run-down vintage clothing store.

“A chandelier hung from the ornate ceiling rose... it appeared to be made of antlers festooned with cobwebs, only one of the bulbs giving off a feeble glow. The shop looked like the place where clothes came to die

I loved Myles writing style with the detailed descriptions, the fast-paced flirty dialogue between the main character and the believable world construction all blended perfectly together to create a believable, realistic, humorous romance. I loved the interactions between the straight-laced formal Perry and the fun-loving flirtatious Mas.

“All right, then. This Divas place sounds acceptable
“Acceptable? Wow. Don’t go overboard. I’m blown over by your enthusiasm

Oh the sarcasm, it makes everything better and this book had it in spades. Maybe it’s because I’m British but to me sarcasm is the best sort of humour (although Oscar Wilde would disagree with me). Due to the differences in Perry and Mas’s personalities things don’t always go smoothly, like any couple they bicker, they have differences, problems in communications. Overall they complemented each other. They were the Ying to the others Yang. I read this book in one sitting and would highly recommend it too anyone who enjoys contemporary m/m romances.

My rating:
Happy reading and see you next time!

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